How to Point a Domain to Amazon Lightsail Instance?

domain to lightsail

In my previous post, I shared the website migration process from an Amazon EC2 Instance to a Lightsail instance. In that post I assumed that you already know how to update your DNS records to point to Lightsail instance, later on, I thought it would be a good idea to post a small guide about how to point a domain to Amazon Lightsail Instance. So, here it is:

Point Domain to Amazon Lightsail Instance

  • Copy the static IP address of your Amazon Lightsail Instance
  • Login to your domain control panel
  • Go to the edit/manage section where you can change your domain’s DNS settings
  • Update Lightsail Instance’s IP address in the A-record

Copy the Static IP address of your Lightsail Instance

As the first step point a domain to Amazon Lightsail Instance, you have to get the instance’s static IP address. You can find it once you login to your AWS Lightsail dashboard. I copied the IP address and pasted in notepad, just so that I don’t have to come back in case I lose it.

ip address of Lightsaill Instance
Get the IP Adress of your Lightsail Instance from here

Paste it in notepad or somewhere else, you will need it in the next step.

Go to your domain control panel

My domain name for the website I moved is hosted on Godaddy. So, if your domain name is also on Godaddy, you can follow this GoDaddy – Lightsail DNS updation guide to the word and you should be good.

update dns on Godaddy aws lightsail
Login to your domain control panel

Anyways, so with the IP address of the Lightsail instance copied, I logged in to my Godaddy account and pulled up the list of all my domains. From there, I clicked the Manage button listed against the domain I wanted to point to my Amazon Lightsail instance.

Update dns godaddy aws lightsail
Update the DNS Settings for the domain name

Update Lightsail Instance’s IP address in the A-record

Go to the DNS Settings section of your domain control panel and find the entry for A – record. Now, replace whatever value you have here with the IP address you had copied in the step 1 of this guide.

edit dns zone editor
Edit the A-record to update the IP Address

While you can set the TTL value next to the A-record to the lowest that you can select, you can also leave it the way it is. If there is no TTL value set, type – in 360 seconds. If it doesn’t accept that value, try something higher and save it.

update a record godaddy
Enter your Light Sail instance’s IP address here

Leave the other records that you might have, below the A-record entries unchanged if you do not know what are they related to. If you mess-up there, critical functions related to your domain name, including email might stop working.

Once the update is done, it will take a while for the changes to propagate to servers across the world but normally, you should be good in a few hours.

My updation started reflecting correctly within minutes, thanfully.

That’s it. You are done.

Hope this was helpful.

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5 thoughts on “How to Point a Domain to Amazon Lightsail Instance?”

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