Create New Laravel 8.0 Project With TailwindCSS and LiveWire

Create New Laravel 8.0 Project With TailwindCSS and LiveWire.png

I have already written one post, if not two, about how to create a new Laravel Project but things and preferences in the Laravel world, change fast. So, here I am, writing yet another one around the same topic. However, the significant difference this time is that this post will cover How to create a New Laravel Project with TailwindCSS and LiveWire,

And since I have almost never been able to get TailwindCSS up and running smoothly on a new Laravel project and have always had some problem with Laravel Mix, I will cover that as well.

Let’s begin.

How To Create New Laravel Project with TailwindCSS (including auth ui) and LiveWire

  • Create New Laravel Project
  • Load tailwindcss presets
  • Install tailwincss auth ui
  • Remove laravel mix
  • Install laravel mix
  • Install cross-env
  • run npm dev
  • Install Livewire
  • Run Project

Create Laravel New Project

Let’s start with creating a new Laravel 8. x project by using the command below:

 laravel new laravel-tailwindcss-livewire
Creating a new Laravel Project

Once the project is created, cd to that directory. To do that in our case, we will do the following:

cd laravel-tailwindcss-livewire

Load TailwindCSS Presets

Now that the we are inside our project directory, we will pull-in the TaiwindCSS presets using the command below:

composer require laravel-frontend-presets/tailwindcss --dev
Pull-in the TailwindCss presets

Install TailwindCSS Auth UI

Since we also want the auth UI to be in place, we will pull in tailwindcss version of the same using the command below:

php artisan ui tailwindcss --auth

Remove Laravel Mix

Now, this is not supposed to be a required step but since I was never able to get Laravel mix working with tailwindcss the way it is supposed to work, I use this approach which works for me. If in your case, mix works great with tailwindcss without removing it first, before installing it back again, you can skip this step and the next one.

So, to remove laravel mix from our project, we do the following:

npm remove laravel-mix

Install Laravel Mix

Weird but, now we have to install Laravel Mix back again by doing the following:

npm install laravel-mix --save-dev

Install cross-env

Install the cross-env package using the command below:

npm install cross-env --save-dev

Compile Resources

With all the above done, it’s finally turn to compile the CSS and scripts by running:

npm run dev
Compile scripts and CSS using npm run dev / npm run watch

At this point, the project is ready to be run. To do the same, run the below command:

php artisan serve

Once the server fires up, open the website on your browser by typing

Your Laravel Project up and running in Google Chrome

Install Livewire

Last but not the least, let’s install Livewire in our project. To do so, use the following command:

composer require livewire/livewire

Livewire is now ready to be used in the project.

I will do another quick post soon to show how See how we can use Livewire inside this Laravel Project to create a Smart Search bar using Livewire.

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