September 2023

Show Hide Password at Log-In Using Eye Icon - HTML & JavaScript

Show / Hide Password at Log-In Using Eye Icon – HTML & JavaScript

A small yet very helpful feature on any web login page is to be able to see the password you are typing in. Thankfully, it is very easy to implement the feature to show/hide passwords on a login box using JavaScript. The code below assumes that you have referenced FontAwesome in your file/project to be …

Show / Hide Password at Log-In Using Eye Icon – HTML & JavaScript Read More »

Zipping Subfolder Content Generated in the Last 24 Hours On AWS Lightsail (Linux)

How To Zip Sub-folder Content Generated in the Last 24 Hours On AWS Lightsail (Linux)

This post is in continuation to my last post about How To Create Daily Automated Backups On An Amazon Lightsail Instance?. While the previous post was what I needed to create a daily automated backup on my AWS Linux stack, the requirement quickly changed when the underlying data folder that I was archiving daily underwent …

How To Zip Sub-folder Content Generated in the Last 24 Hours On AWS Lightsail (Linux) Read More »

How To Create Daily Automated Backups on an Amazon Lightsail Instance

How To Create Daily Automated Backups on an Amazon Lightsail Instance?

While Amazon Lightsail offers something really great, a daily snapshot feature, that helps you create an automated backup of your entire Amazon Lightsail instance without having to do anything manually, we don’t always need a daily backup of our entire website. For a site on which only a particular set of data changes / is …

How To Create Daily Automated Backups on an Amazon Lightsail Instance? Read More »